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This function reads an example EcoTaxa metadata file included in the iRfcb package.


ifcb_get_ecotaxa_example(example = "ifcb")



A character string specifying which example EcoTaxa metadata file to load. Options are:


Loads a minimal example, for fully manual entry.


Loads a full featured example, with unknown objects only.


Loads a full featured example, with already classified objects.


(Default) Loads a full IFCB-specific dataset used for EcoTaxa submissions.


A data frame containing EcoTaxa example metadata.


This function loads different types of EcoTaxa metadata examples based on the user's need. The examples include a minimal template for manual data entry, as well as fully featured datasets with or without classified objects. The default is an IFCB-specific example, originating from The example headers can used when submitting data from Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) instruments to EcoTaxa at


ecotaxa_example <- ifcb_get_ecotaxa_example()

# Print the first five columns
#> # A tibble: 5 × 282
#>   img_file_name          object_id object_lat object_lon object_date object_time
#>   <chr>                  <chr>     <chr>      <chr>      <chr>       <chr>      
#> 1 [t]                    [t]       [f]        [f]        [t]         [t]        
#> 2 D20190124T213523_IFCB… D2019012… 41.4922    -71.4193   20190124    213523     
#> 3 D20190124T213523_IFCB… D2019012… 41.4922    -71.4193   20190124    213523     
#> 4 D20190124T213523_IFCB… D2019012… 41.4922    -71.4193   20190124    213523     
#> 5 D20190124T213523_IFCB… D2019012… 41.4922    -71.4193   20190124    213523     
#> # ℹ 276 more variables: object_link <chr>, object_depth_min <chr>,
#> #   object_depth_max <chr>, object_annotation_status <chr>,
#> #   object_annotation_person_name <chr>, object_annotation_person_email <chr>,
#> #   object_annotation_date <chr>, object_annotation_time <chr>,
#> #   object_annotation_category <chr>, object_aphiaid <chr>,
#> #   object_annotation_hierarchy <chr>, object_roi_number <chr>,
#> #   object_area <chr>, object_biovolume <chr>, …