This function zips directories containing .png files and optionally includes README and MANIFEST files. It can also split the resulting zip file into smaller parts if it exceeds a specified size. The zip archive can be used to submit IFCB data to repositories like in the SMHI IFCB Plankton Image Reference Library (Torstensson et al., 2024).
readme_file = NULL,
email_address = "",
version = "",
print_progress = TRUE,
include_txt = FALSE,
split_zip = FALSE,
max_size = 500,
quiet = FALSE
- png_folder
The directory containing subdirectories with .png files.
- zip_filename
The name of the zip file to create.
- readme_file
Optional path to a README file for inclusion in the zip package.
- email_address
Optional email address to include in the README file.
- version
Optional version information to include in the README file.
- print_progress
A logical value indicating whether to print progress bar. Default is TRUE.
- include_txt
A logical value indicating whether to include text (.txt, .tsv and .csv) files located in the subdirectories. Default is FALSE.
- split_zip
A logical value indicating whether to split the zip file into smaller parts if its size exceeds
. Default is FALSE.- max_size
The maximum size (in MB) for the zip file before it gets split. Only used if
is TRUE. Default is 500 MB.- quiet
Logical. If TRUE, suppresses messages about the progress and completion of the zip process. Default is FALSE.
This function does not return any value; it creates a zip archive and optionally splits it into smaller files if specified.
Torstensson, Anders; Skjevik, Ann-Turi; Mohlin, Malin; Karlberg, Maria; Karlson, Bengt (2024). SMHI IFCB Plankton Image Reference Library. SciLifeLab. Dataset. doi:10.17044/scilifelab.25883455
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Zip all subdirectories in the 'images' folder with a README file
readme_file = system.file("exdata/", package = "iRfcb"),
email_address = "",
version = "1.0")
# Zip all subdirectories in the 'images' folder without a README file
ifcb_zip_pngs("path/to/images", "")
} # }