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Getting Started


You can install the package from GitHub using the devtools package:

# install.packages("devtools")
                         dependencies = TRUE)

Some functions in iRfcb require Python to be installed (see in the sections below). You can download Python from the official website:

Load the iRfcb library:

Download Sample Data

To get started, download sample data from the SMHI IFCB Plankton Image Reference Library (Torstensson et al. 2024) with the following function:

# Define data directory
data_dir <- "data"

# Download and extract test data in the data folder
ifcb_download_test_data(dest_dir = data_dir,
                        max_retries = 10,
                        sleep_time = 30)
## Download and extraction complete.

Extract Timestamps and Sample Volumes

Extract Timestamps from IFCB sample Filenames

Extract timestamps from sample names or filenames:

# Example sample names
filenames <- c("D20230314T001205_IFCB134",

# Convert filenames to timestamps
timestamps <- ifcb_convert_filenames(filenames)

# Print result
##                     sample           timestamp       date year month day
## 1 D20230314T001205_IFCB134 2023-03-14 00:12:05 2023-03-14 2023     3  14
## 2 D20230615T123045_IFCB135 2023-06-15 12:30:45 2023-06-15 2023     6  15
##       time ifcb_number
## 1 00:12:05     IFCB134
## 2 12:30:45     IFCB135

With ROI numbers:

# Example sample names
filenames <- c("D20230314T001205_IFCB134_00023.png",

# Convert filenames to timestamps
timestamps <- ifcb_convert_filenames(filenames)

# Print result
##                     sample           timestamp       date year month day
## 1 D20230314T001205_IFCB134 2023-03-14 00:12:05 2023-03-14 2023     3  14
## 2 D20230615T123045_IFCB135 2023-06-15 12:30:45 2023-06-15 2023     6  15
##       time ifcb_number roi
## 1 00:12:05     IFCB134  23
## 2 12:30:45     IFCB135  NA

Get Volume Analyzed in ml

Get the volume analyzed from header/adc files:

# Path to HDR file
hdr_file <- "data/data/2023/D20230314/D20230314T001205_IFCB134.hdr"

# Calculate volume analyzed (in ml)
volume_analyzed <- ifcb_volume_analyzed(hdr_file)

# Print result
## [1] 4.568676

Get Sample Runtime

Get the runtime from a header file:

# Get runtime from HDR-file
run_time <- ifcb_get_runtime(hdr_file)

# Print result
## $runtime
## [1] 1200.853
## $inhibittime
## [1] 104.3704

Extract .PNG Images from ROI

Extract all images from a sample:

# All ROIs in sample
## Writing 1218 ROIs from D20230314T001205_IFCB134.roi to data/data/2023/D20230314/D20230314T001205_IFCB134

Extract specific ROIs:

# Only ROI number 2 and 5
                  ROInumbers = c(2, 5))
## Writing 2 ROIs from D20230314T003836_IFCB134.roi to data/data/2023/D20230314/D20230314T003836_IFCB134

To extract annotated images from MATLAB files, please see Use MATLAB Annotated Files To extract classified results from MATLAB files, please see Classified Results from MATLAB


Particle Size Distribution

IFCB data can be quality controlled by analyzing the particle size distribution (PSD) (Hayashi et al. in prep). iRfcb uses the code available at Before running the PSD quality check, ensure the necessary Python environment is set up and activated:

# Define path to virtual environment
env_path <- "~/.virtualenvs/iRfcb" # Or your preferred venv path

# Install python virtual environment
ifcb_py_install(envname = env_path)

# Run PSD quality control
psd <- ifcb_psd(feature_folder = "data/features/2023",
                hdr_folder = "data/data/2023",
                save_data = FALSE,
                output_file = NULL,
                plot_folder = NULL,
                use_marker = FALSE,
                start_fit = 10,
                r_sqr = 0.5,
                beads = 10 ** 12,
                bubbles = 150,
                incomplete = c(1500, 3),
                missing_cells = 0.7,
                biomass = 1000,
                bloom = 5,
                humidity = 70)
# Print output from PSD
## # A tibble: 5 × 8
##   sample            a     k   R.2 max_ESD_diff capture_percent bead_run humidity
##   <chr>         <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>        <int>           <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl>
## 1 D20230314T… 5.90e 5 -1.88 0.713            3           0.955 FALSE        16.0
## 2 D20230314T… 2.51e 5 -1.60 0.702            3           0.944 FALSE        16.0
## 3 D20230810T… 3.36e 7 -2.73 0.955            4           0.919 FALSE        65.4
## 4 D20230915T… 1.32e10 -5.54 0.989            2           0.967 FALSE        71.5
## 5 D20230915T… 4.39e10 -6.03 0.981            3           0.961 FALSE        71.5
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   sample           flag         
##   <chr>            <chr>        
## 1 D20230915T091133 High Humidity
## 2 D20230915T093804 High Humidity
# Plot PSD of the first sample
plot <- ifcb_psd_plot(sample_name = psd$data$sample[1],
                      data = psd$data,
                      fits = psd$fits,
                      start_fit = 10)

# Print the plot

Geographical QC/QA

Check if IFCB is Near Land

To determine if the IFCB is near land (i.e. in harbor), examine the position data in the .hdr files (or from vectors of latitudes and longitudes):

# Read HDR data and extract GPS position (when available)
gps_data <- ifcb_read_hdr_data("data/data/",
                               gps_only = TRUE)
## Found 9 .hdr files.
## Processing completed.
# Create new column with the results
gps_data$near_land <- ifcb_is_near_land(gps_data$gpsLatitude,
                                        distance = 100, # 100 meters from shore
                                        shape = NULL) # Using the default NE 1:50m Land Polygon

# Print output
##                     sample gpsLatitude gpsLongitude           timestamp
## 1 D20220522T000439_IFCB134          NA           NA 2022-05-22 00:04:39
## 2 D20220522T003051_IFCB134          NA           NA 2022-05-22 00:30:51
## 3 D20220712T210855_IFCB134          NA           NA 2022-07-12 21:08:55
## 4 D20220712T222710_IFCB134          NA           NA 2022-07-12 22:27:10
## 5 D20230314T001205_IFCB134    56.66883     12.11303 2023-03-14 00:12:05
## 6 D20230314T003836_IFCB134    56.66884     12.11302 2023-03-14 00:38:36
##         date year month day     time ifcb_number near_land
## 1 2022-05-22 2022     5  22 00:04:39     IFCB134        NA
## 2 2022-05-22 2022     5  22 00:30:51     IFCB134        NA
## 3 2022-07-12 2022     7  12 21:08:55     IFCB134        NA
## 4 2022-07-12 2022     7  12 22:27:10     IFCB134        NA
## 5 2023-03-14 2023     3  14 00:12:05     IFCB134     FALSE
## 6 2023-03-14 2023     3  14 00:38:36     IFCB134     FALSE

For more accurate determination, a detailed coastline .shp file may be required (e.g. the EEA Coastline Polygon). Refer to the help pages of ifcb_is_near_land for further information.

Check which sub-basin an IFCB sample is from

To identify the specific sub-basin of the Baltic Sea (or using a custom shape-file) from which an Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) sample was collected, analyze the position data:

# Define example latitude and longitude vectors
latitudes <- c(55.337, 54.729, 56.311, 57.975)
longitudes <- c(12.674, 14.643, 12.237, 10.637)

# Check in which Baltic sea basin the points are in
points_in_the_baltic <- ifcb_which_basin(latitudes, 
                                         shape_file = NULL)
# Print output
## [1] "13 - Arkona Basin"   "12 - Bornholm Basin" "16 - Kattegat"      
## [4] "17 - Skagerrak"
# Plot the points and the basins
                 plot = TRUE, 
                 shape_file = NULL)

This function reads a pre-packaged shapefile of the Baltic Sea, Kattegat, and Skagerrak basins from the ‘iRfcb’ package by default, or a user-supplied shapefile if provided. The shapefiles provided in ‘iRfcb’ originate from SHARK.

Check whether the positions are within the Baltic Sea or elsewhere

This check is useful if only you want to apply a classifier specifically to phytoplankton from the Baltic Sea.

# Define example latitude and longitude vectors
latitudes <- c(55.337, 54.729, 56.311, 57.975)
longitudes <- c(12.674, 14.643, 12.237, 10.637)

# Check if the points are in the Baltic Sea Basin
points_in_the_baltic <- ifcb_is_in_basin(latitudes, longitudes)

# Print results
# Plot the points and the basin
ifcb_is_in_basin(latitudes, longitudes, plot = TRUE)

This function reads a land-buffered shapefile of the Baltic Sea Basin from the ‘iRfcb’ package by default, or a user-supplied shapefile if provided.

Find missing positions from RV Svea Ferrybox

This function is used by SMHI to collect and match stored ferrybox positions when they are not available in the .hdr files. An example ferrybox data file is provided in iRfcb with data matching D20220522T000439_IFCB134.

# Define path where ferrybox data are located
ferrybox_folder <- "data/ferrybox_data"

# Get GPS position from ferrybox data
positions <- ifcb_get_ferrybox_data(gps_data$timestamp, 

# Print result
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   timestamp           gpsLatitude gpsLongitude
##   <dttm>                    <dbl>        <dbl>
## 1 2022-05-22 00:04:39        55.0         13.6
## 2 2022-05-22 00:30:51        NA           NA  
## 3 2022-07-12 21:08:55        NA           NA  
## 4 2022-07-12 22:27:10        NA           NA  
## 5 2023-03-14 00:12:05        NA           NA  
## 6 2023-03-14 00:38:36        NA           NA

Find contextual ferrybox data from RV Svea

The ifcb_get_ferrybox_data function can also be used to extract additional ferrybox parameters, such as temperature (parameter number 8180) and salinity (parameter number 8181).

# Get salinity and temperature from ferrybox data
ferrybox_data <- ifcb_get_ferrybox_data(gps_data$timestamp, 
                                        parameters = c("8180", "8181"))

# Print result
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   timestamp           `8180` `8181`
##   <dttm>               <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 2022-05-22 00:04:39   11.4   7.86
## 2 2022-05-22 00:30:51   NA    NA   
## 3 2022-07-12 21:08:55   NA    NA   
## 4 2022-07-12 22:27:10   NA    NA   
## 5 2023-03-14 00:12:05   NA    NA   
## 6 2023-03-14 00:38:36   NA    NA

Use MATLAB Annotated Files

Count and Summarize Annotated Image Data

PNG Directory

Summarize counts of annotated images at the sample and class levels. The ‘hdr_folder’ can be included to add GPS positions to the sample data frame:

# Summarise counts on sample level
png_per_sample <- ifcb_summarize_png_counts(png_folder = "data/png",
                                          hdr_folder = "data/data",
                                          sum_level = "sample")

## # A tibble: 6 × 13
## # Groups:   sample, ifcb_number [3]
##   sample    ifcb_number class_name n_images roi_numbers gpsLatitude gpsLongitude
##   <chr>     <chr>       <chr>         <int> <chr>             <dbl>        <dbl>
## 1 D2022052… IFCB134     Ciliophora        1 5                    NA           NA
## 2 D2022052… IFCB134     Mesodiniu…        4 2, 6, 7, 8           NA           NA
## 3 D2022052… IFCB134     Strombidi…        1 3                    NA           NA
## 4 D2022052… IFCB134     Mesodiniu…        2 2, 3                 NA           NA
## 5 D2022071… IFCB134     Alexandri…        2 42, 164              NA           NA
## 6 D2022071… IFCB134     Strombidi…        2 34, 79               NA           NA
## # ℹ 6 more variables: timestamp <dttm>, date <date>, year <dbl>, month <dbl>,
## #   day <int>, time <chr>
# Summarise counts on class level
png_per_class <- ifcb_summarize_png_counts(png_folder = "data/png",
                                         sum_level = "class")

# Print output
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   class_name                  n_images
##   <chr>                          <int>
## 1 Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax        3
## 2 Amphidnium-like                    1
## 3 Chaetoceros_spp_chain              6
## 4 Chaetoceros_spp_single_cell        3
## 5 Ciliophora                        23
## 6 Cryptomonadales                  245


Count the annotations in the MATLAB files, similar to ifcb_summarize_png_counts:

# Summarize counts from MATLAB files
mat_count <- ifcb_count_mat_annotations(manual_files = "data/manual",
                                        class2use_file = "data/config/class2use.mat",
                                        skip_class = "unclassified", # Or class ID
                                        sum_level = "class") # Or per "sample"

# Print output
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   class                           n
##   <chr>                       <int>
## 1 Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax     3
## 2 Amphidnium-like                 1
## 3 Chaetoceros_spp_chain           6
## 4 Chaetoceros_spp_single_cell     3
## 5 Ciliophora                     23
## 6 Cryptomonadales               245

To visually inspect and correct annotations, run the image gallery.

# Run Shiny app

Individual images can be selected and a list of selected images can be downloaded as a ‘correction_file’. This file can be used to correct .mat annotations below using the ifcb_correct_annotation function.

Correct .mat Files After Checking Images in the App

After reviewing images in the gallery, correct the .mat files using the ‘correction file’ with selected images:

# Get class2use
class_name <- ifcb_get_mat_names("data/config/class2use.mat")
class2use <- ifcb_get_mat_variable("data/config/class2use.mat",
                                   variable_name = class_name)

# Find the class id of unclassified
unclassified_id <- which(grepl("unclassified",

# Initialize the python session if not already set up
# env_path <- "~/.virtualenvs/iRfcb"
# ifcb_py_install(envname = env_path)

# Correct the annotation with the output from the image gallery
ifcb_correct_annotation(manual_folder = "data/manual",
                        out_folder = "data/manual",
                        correction = "data/manual/correction/Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax_selected_images.txt",
                        correct_classid = unclassified_id)

Replace Specific Class Annotations

Replace all instances of a specific class with “unclassified” (class id 1):

# Get class2use
class_name <- ifcb_get_mat_names("data/config/class2use.mat")
class2use <- ifcb_get_mat_variable("data/config/class2use.mat",
                                   variable_name = class_name)

# Find the class id of Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax
ap_id <- which(grepl("Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax",

# Find the class id of unclassified
unclassified_id <- which(grepl("unclassified",

# Initialize the python session if not already set up
# env_path <- "~/.virtualenvs/iRfcb"
# ifcb_py_install(envname = env_path)

# Move all Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax images to unclassified
ifcb_replace_mat_values(manual_folder = "data/manual",
                        out_folder = "data/manual",
                        target_id = ap_id,
                        new_id = unclassified_id)

Extract Annotated Images

Extract annotated images, skipping the “unclassified” (class id 1) category:

# Extract .png images
ifcb_extract_annotated_images(manual_folder = "data/manual",
                              class2use_file = "data/config/class2use.mat",
                              roi_folder = "data/data",
                              out_folder = "data/extracted_images",
                              skip_class = 1, # or "unclassified"
                              verbose = FALSE)

Verify Correction

Verify that the corrections have been applied:

# Summarize new counts after correction
png_per_class <- ifcb_summarize_png_counts(png_folder = "data/extracted_images",
                                           sum_level = "class")

# Print output
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   class_name                         n_images
##   <chr>                                 <int>
## 1 Amphidnium-like                           1
## 2 Chaetoceros_spp_chain                     6
## 3 Chaetoceros_spp_single_cell               3
## 4 Ciliophora                               23
## 5 Cryptomonadales                         245
## 6 Cylindrotheca_Nitzschia_longissima       47

Annotate image

Images can be batch annotated using the ifcb_annotate_batch function. If a manual file already exists for the sample, the ROI class list will be updated accordingly. If no file is found, a new .mat file will be created, with all unannotated ROIs marked as unclassified.

# Read a file with selected images, generated by the image gallery app
correction <- read.table("data/manual/correction/Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax_selected_images.txt", 
                         header = TRUE)

# Print image names to be annotated
## [1] "D20220712T210855_IFCB134_00164.png" "D20220712T222710_IFCB134_00044.png"
# Re-annotate the images that were moved to unclassified earlier in the tutorial
ifcb_annotate_batch(png_images = correction$image_filename,
                    class = "Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax",
                    manual_folder = "data/manual",
                    adc_folder = "data/data",
                    class2use_file = "data/config/class2use.mat")

# Summarize new counts after re-annotation
mat_count <- ifcb_count_mat_annotations(manual_files = "data/manual",
                                        class2use_file = "data/config/class2use.mat",
                                        skip_class = "unclassified",
                                        sum_level = "class")

# Print output and check if Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax is back
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   class                           n
##   <chr>                       <int>
## 1 Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax     2
## 2 Amphidnium-like                 1
## 3 Chaetoceros_spp_chain           6
## 4 Chaetoceros_spp_single_cell     3
## 5 Ciliophora                     23
## 6 Cryptomonadales               245

Merge Manual Datasets

Datasets that have been manually annotated using the MATLAB code from the ifcb-analysis repository (Sosik and Olson 2007) can be merged using the ifcb_merge_manual function. This is a wrapper function of the ifcb_create_class2use, ifcb_replace_mat_values and ifcb_adjust_classes functions.

In this example, two datasets from the Swedish west coast are downloaded from the SMHI IFCB Plankton Image Reference Library (version 3) (Torstensson et al. 2024) and combined into a single dataset. Please note that these datasets are large, and the downloading and merging processes may take considerable time.

# Define data directories
skagerrak_kattegat_dir <- "data_skagerrak_kattegat"
tangesund_dir <- "data_tangesund"
merged_dir <- "data_skagerrak_kattegat_tangesund_merged"

# Download and extract Skagerrak-Kattegat data in the data folder
ifcb_download_test_data(dest_dir = skagerrak_kattegat_dir,
                        figshare_article = "48158725")

# Download and extract Tångesund data in the data folder
ifcb_download_test_data(dest_dir = tangesund_dir,
                        figshare_article = "48158731")

# Initialize the python session if not already set up
# env_path <- "~/.virtualenvs/iRfcb"
# ifcb_py_install(envname = env_path)

# Merge Skagerrak-Kattegat and Tångesund to a single dataset
ifcb_merge_manual(class2use_file_base = file.path(skagerrak_kattegat_dir, "config/class2use.mat"),
                  class2use_file_additions = file.path(tangesund_dir, "config/class2use.mat"),
                  class2use_file_output = file.path(merged_dir, "config/class2use.mat"),
                  manual_folder_base = file.path(skagerrak_kattegat_dir, "manual"),
                  manual_folder_additions = file.path(tangesund_dir, "manual"),
                  manual_folder_output = file.path(merged_dir, "manual")

Prepare Annotated Images for Publication

Summarize Image Metadata

This function gather feature and hdr data for every image in the png_folder.

# Summarize image metadata from feature and hdr files
image_metadata <- ifcb_summarize_png_metadata(png_folder = "data/extracted_images",
                                              feature_folder = "data/features",
                                              hdr_folder = "data/data")

# Print the first ten columns of output
##                                image                 subfolder
## 1 D20230915T093804_IFCB134_02133.png       Amphidnium-like_051
## 2 D20230810T113059_IFCB134_00952.png Chaetoceros_spp_chain_018
## 3 D20230810T113059_IFCB134_02303.png Chaetoceros_spp_chain_018
## 4 D20230915T091133_IFCB134_00057.png Chaetoceros_spp_chain_018
## 5 D20230915T093804_IFCB134_00507.png Chaetoceros_spp_chain_018
## 6 D20230915T093804_IFCB134_00689.png Chaetoceros_spp_chain_018
##                     sample           timestamp       date year month day
## 1 D20230915T093804_IFCB134 2023-09-15 09:38:04 2023-09-15 2023     9  15
## 2 D20230810T113059_IFCB134 2023-08-10 11:30:59 2023-08-10 2023     8  10
## 3 D20230810T113059_IFCB134 2023-08-10 11:30:59 2023-08-10 2023     8  10
## 4 D20230915T091133_IFCB134 2023-09-15 09:11:33 2023-09-15 2023     9  15
## 5 D20230915T093804_IFCB134 2023-09-15 09:38:04 2023-09-15 2023     9  15
## 6 D20230915T093804_IFCB134 2023-09-15 09:38:04 2023-09-15 2023     9  15
##       time ifcb_number
## 1 09:38:04     IFCB134
## 2 11:30:59     IFCB134
## 3 11:30:59     IFCB134
## 4 09:11:33     IFCB134
## 5 09:38:04     IFCB134
## 6 09:38:04     IFCB134

The output can be mapped with the headers in ifcb_get_ecotaxa_example to produce metadata files suitable for submitting images to EcoTaxa.

PNG Directory

Prepare the PNG directory for publication as a zip-archive, similar to the files in the SMHI IFCB Plankton Image Reference Library (Torstensson et al. 2024):

# Create zip-archive
ifcb_zip_pngs(png_folder = "data/extracted_images",
              zip_filename = "data/zip/",
              readme_file = system.file("exdata/", 
                                        package = "iRfcb"), # Template icluded in `iRfcb`
              email_address = "",
              version = "1.1",
              print_progress = FALSE)
## Creating README file...
## Creating MANIFEST.txt...
## Creating zip archive...
## Zip archive created successfully: /home/runner/work/iRfcb/iRfcb/vignettes/data/zip/

MATLAB Directory

Prepare the MATLAB directory for publication as a zip-archive, similar to the files in the SMHI IFCB Plankton Image Reference Library:

# Create zip-archive
ifcb_zip_matlab(manual_folder = "data/manual",
                features_folder = "data/features",
                class2use_file = "data/config/class2use.mat",
                zip_filename = "data/zip/",
                data_folder = "data/data",
                readme_file = system.file("exdata/", 
                                          package = "iRfcb"), # Template icluded in `iRfcb`
                matlab_readme_file = system.file("exdata/", 
                                                 package = "iRfcb"), # Template icluded in `iRfcb`
                email_address = "",
                version = "1.1",
                print_progress = FALSE)
## Listing all files...
## Copying manual files...
## Copying feature files...
## Copying data files...
## Copying class2use file...
## Creating README file...
## Creating MANIFEST.txt...
## Creating zip archive...
## Zip archive created successfully: /home/runner/work/iRfcb/iRfcb/vignettes/data/zip/

Create MANIFEST.txt

Create a manifest file for the zip packages:

# Create MANIFEST.txt of the zip folder content
## MANIFEST.txt has been created at data/zip/MANIFEST.txt

Classified Results from MATLAB

Extract Classified Results from a Sample

Extract classified results from a sample:

# Extract all classified images from a sample
ifcb_extract_classified_images(sample = "D20230810T113059_IFCB134",
                               classified_folder = "data/classified",
                               roi_folder = "data/data",
                               out_folder = "data/classified_images",
                               taxa = "All", # or specify a particular taxa
                               threshold = "opt") # or specify another threshold
## Writing 2747 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Heterocapsa_rotundata 
## Writing 519 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Cryptomonadales 
## Writing 464 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Dino_smaller_than_30unidentified 
## Writing 511 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/unclassified 
## Writing 6 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Ciliates 
## Writing 245 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Leptocylindrus_danicus_minimus 
## Writing 114 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Leptocylindrus_danicus 
## Writing 66 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Cylindrotheca_Nitzschia_longissima 
## Writing 23 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Chaetoceros_chain 
## Writing 6 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Dino_larger_than_30unidentified 
## Writing 23 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Prorocentrum_micans 
## Writing 51 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Scrippsiella_group 
## Writing 2 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Tripos_lineatus 
## Writing 1 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Cerataulina_pelagica 
## Writing 6 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Gymnodiniales_smaller_than_30 
## Writing 3 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Chaetoceros_single_cell 
## Writing 5 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Skeletonema_marinoi 
## Writing 1 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Enisiculifera_carinata 
## Writing 2 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Thalassiosira_gravida 
## Writing 2 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Pseudo-nitzschia_spp 
## Writing 1 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Octactis_speculum 
## Writing 3 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Guinardia_delicatula 
## Writing 1 ROIs from D20230810T113059_IFCB134.roi to data/classified_images/Thalassiosira_nordenskioeldii

Read feature data

Read all feature files (.csv) from a folder:

# Read feature files from a folder
features <- ifcb_read_features("data/features/2023/")

# Print output of first 10 columns from the first sample in the list
##   roi_number Area  Biovolume BoundingBox_xwidth BoundingBox_ywidth ConvexArea
## 1          2  446   6082.909                 31                 21        542
## 2          3 4326 142783.030                111                 63       5186
## 3          4 9739 336908.323                202                129      10581
## 4          5  580   9186.802                 27                 28        602
## 5          6 3927 120366.981                 99                 50       4191
## 6          7  290   3111.748                 22                 20        335
##   ConvexPerimeter Eccentricity EquivDiameter    Extent
## 1        87.24196    0.6006111      23.82991 0.6850998
## 2       291.42030    0.8980639      74.21613 0.6186186
## 3       505.83898    0.9753657     111.35565 0.3737432
## 4        88.58696    0.3299815      27.17497 0.7671958
## 5       265.49548    0.9016151      70.71076 0.7933333
## 6        67.86613    0.3332706      19.21560 0.6590909
# Read only multiblob feature files
multiblob_features <- ifcb_read_features("data/features/2023", 
                                         multiblob = TRUE)

# Print output of first 10 columns from the first sample in the list
##   roi_number blob_number Area MajorAxisLength MinorAxisLength Eccentricity
## 1        154           1 3647       109.93092        45.00010    0.9123779
## 2        154           2 1626        77.53922        30.74631    0.9180235
## 3        214           1 7456       232.11148       122.61037    0.8490956
## 4        214           2 4840       101.68493        68.30606    0.7407850
## 5        214           3  910        54.18655        28.51088    0.8503847
## 6        214           4  153        18.95031        10.93057    0.8168844
##   Orientation ConvexArea EquivDiameter  Solidity
## 1    11.28171       4205      68.14327 0.8673008
## 2    26.71876       2495      45.50041 0.6517034
## 3    30.89332      23666      97.43343 0.3150511
## 4   -35.88789       6955      78.50146 0.6959022
## 5    27.00911       1551      34.03892 0.5867182
## 6    48.78767        188      13.95728 0.8138298

Read a Summary File

Read a summary file:

# Read a MATLAB summary file generated by `countcells_allTBnew_user_training`
summary_data <- ifcb_read_summary("data/classified/2023/summary/summary_allTB_2023.mat",
                                  biovolume = FALSE,
                                  threshold = "opt")

# Print output
## # A tibble: 6 × 12
##   sample   timestamp           date        year month   day time     ifcb_number
##   <chr>    <dttm>              <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <int> <time>   <chr>      
## 1 D202308… 2023-08-10 11:30:59 2023-08-10  2023     8    10 11:30:59 IFCB134    
## 2 D202308… 2023-08-10 11:30:59 2023-08-10  2023     8    10 11:30:59 IFCB134    
## 3 D202308… 2023-08-10 11:30:59 2023-08-10  2023     8    10 11:30:59 IFCB134    
## 4 D202308… 2023-08-10 11:30:59 2023-08-10  2023     8    10 11:30:59 IFCB134    
## 5 D202308… 2023-08-10 11:30:59 2023-08-10  2023     8    10 11:30:59 IFCB134    
## 6 D202308… 2023-08-10 11:30:59 2023-08-10  2023     8    10 11:30:59 IFCB134    
## # ℹ 4 more variables: ml_analyzed <dbl>, species <chr>, counts <dbl>,
## #   counts_per_liter <dbl>

Summarize counts, biovolumes and carbon content from classified IFCB data

This function calculates aggregated biovolumes and carbon content from Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) samples based on feature and MATLAB classification result files, without summarizing the data in MATLAB. Biovolumes are converted to carbon according to Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000) for individual regions of interest (ROI), where different conversion factors are applied to diatoms and non-diatom protist. If provided, it also incorporates sample volume data from HDR files to compute biovolume and carbon content per liter of sample. See details in the help pages for ifcb_summarize_biovolumes and ifcb_extract_biovolumes.

# Summarize biovolume data using IFCB data from classified data folder
biovolume_data <- ifcb_summarize_biovolumes(feature_folder = "data/features/2023",
                                            mat_folder = "data/classified",
                                            hdr_folder = "data/data/2023",
                                            micron_factor = 1/3.4,
                                            diatom_class = "Bacillariophyceae",
                                            threshold = "opt")
## INFO: The following classes are considered NOT diatoms for carbon calculations:
## Ciliates
## Cryptomonadales
## Dino_larger_than_30unidentified
## Dino_smaller_than_30unidentified
## Enisiculifera_carinata
## Gymnodiniales_smaller_than_30
## Heterocapsa_rotundata
## Octactis_speculum
## Prorocentrum_micans
## Scrippsiella_group
## Tripos_lineatus
## unclassified
# Print output
## # A tibble: 6 × 10
##   sample             classifier class counts biovolume_mm3 carbon_ug ml_analyzed
##   <chr>              <chr>      <chr>  <int>         <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
## 1 D20230810T113059_… "Z:\\data… Cera…      1    0.00000175 0.0000839        3.17
## 2 D20230810T113059_… "Z:\\data… Chae…     23    0.0000176  0.000901         3.17
## 3 D20230810T113059_… "Z:\\data… Chae…      3    0.00000118 0.0000674        3.17
## 4 D20230810T113059_… "Z:\\data… Cili…      6    0.0000117  0.00159          3.17
## 5 D20230810T113059_… "Z:\\data… Cryp…    519    0.0000971  0.0151           3.17
## 6 D20230810T113059_… "Z:\\data… Cyli…     66    0.0000168  0.00101          3.17
## # ℹ 3 more variables: counts_per_liter <dbl>, biovolume_mm3_per_liter <dbl>,
## #   carbon_ug_per_liter <dbl>

Summarize counts, biovolumes and carbon content from manually annotated IFCB data

The ifcb_summarize_biovolumes function can also be used to calculate aggregated biovolumes and carbon content from manually annotated Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) image data. See details in the help pages for ifcb_summarize_biovolumes, ifcb_extract_biovolumes and ifcb_count_mat_annotations.

# Summarize biovolume data using IFCB data from manual data folder
manual_biovolume_data <- ifcb_summarize_biovolumes(feature_folder = "data/features",
                                                   mat_folder = "data/manual",
                                                   class2use_file = "data/config/class2use.mat",
                                                   hdr_folder = "data/data",
                                                   micron_factor = 1/3.4,
                                                   diatom_class = "Bacillariophyceae")
## INFO: The following classes are considered NOT diatoms for carbon calculations:
## Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax
## Amphidnium-like
## Ciliophora
## Cryptomonadales
## Dinobryon_spp
## Dinoflagellate_larger_than_30unidentified
## Dinoflagellate_smaller_than_30unidentified
## Dinophysis_acuminata
## Enisiculifera_carinata
## Gonyaulax_spp
## Gyrodinium_spirale
## Heterocapsa_Azadinium
## Heterocapsa_rotundata
## Karenia_mikimotoi
## Katodinium-like
## Mesodinium_rubrum
## Octactis_speculum
## Prorocentrum_micans
## Prorocentrum_triestinum
## Protoperidinium_spp
## Scrippsiella_group
## Strombidium-like
## Torodinium_robustum
## Tripos_furca
## Tripos_lineatus
## unclassified
# Print output
## # A tibble: 6 × 10
##   sample             classifier class counts biovolume_mm3 carbon_ug ml_analyzed
##   <chr>              <lgl>      <chr>  <int>         <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
## 1 D20220522T000439_… NA         Cili…      1    0.00000327  0.000432        4.86
## 2 D20220522T000439_… NA         Meso…      4    0.0000274   0.00344         4.86
## 3 D20220522T000439_… NA         Stro…      1    0.00000386  0.000504        4.86
## 4 D20220522T000439_… NA         uncl…      1    0.00000288  0.000384        4.86
## 5 D20220522T003051_… NA         Meso…      2    0.0000122   0.00155         2.98
## 6 D20220712T210855_… NA         Alex…      1    0.0000160   0.00191         4.91
## # ℹ 3 more variables: counts_per_liter <dbl>, biovolume_mm3_per_liter <dbl>,
## #   carbon_ug_per_liter <dbl>

Taxonomical Data

Check whether a class name is a diatom

This function takes a list of taxa names, cleans them, retrieves their corresponding classification records from the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), and checks if they belong to the specified diatom class. The function only uses the first name (genus name) of each taxa for classification. This function can be useful for converting biovolumes to carbon according to Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000). See iRfcb:::vol2C_nondiatom and iRfcb:::vol2C_lgdiatom for carbon calculations (not included in NAMESPACE).

# Read class2use file
class2use <- ifcb_get_mat_variable("data/config/class2use.mat")

# Create a dataframe with class name and result from `ifcb_is_diatom`
class_list <- data.frame(class2use,
                         is_diatom = ifcb_is_diatom(class2use))

# Print rows 10-15 of result
##                     class2use is_diatom
## 10        Nodularia_spumigena     FALSE
## 11            Cryptomonadales     FALSE
## 12    Acanthoica_quattrospina     FALSE
## 13 Asterionellopsis_glacialis      TRUE
## 14                  Centrales      TRUE
## 15            Centrales_chain      TRUE

The default class for diatoms is defined as Bacillariophyceae, but may be adjusted using the diatom_class argument.

Find trophic type of plankton taxa

This function takes a list of taxa names and matches them with the SMHI Trophic Type list used in SHARK.

# Example taxa names
taxa_list <- c("Acanthoceras zachariasii",
               "Nodularia spumigena",
               "Acanthoica quattrospina",

# Get trophic type for taxa
trophic_type <- ifcb_get_trophic_type(taxa_list)

# Print result
## [1] "AU" "AU" "MX" "HT" "NS"

SHARK export

This function is used by SMHI to map IFCB data into the SHARK standard data delivery format. An example submission is also provided in iRfcb.

# Get column names from example
shark_colnames <- ifcb_get_shark_colnames()

# Print column names
##  [1] MYEAR                  STATN                  SAMPLING_PLATFORM     
##  [4] PROJ                   ORDERER                SHIPC                 
##  [7] CRUISE_NO              DATE_TIME              SDATE                 
## [10] STIME                  TIMEZONE               LATIT                 
## [13] LONGI                  POSYS                  WADEP                 
## [16] MPROG                  MNDEP                  MXDEP                 
## [19] SLABO                  ACKR_SMP               SMTYP                 
## [22] PDMET                  SMVOL                  METFP                 
## [25] IFCBNO                 SMPNO                  LATNM                 
## [28] SFLAG                  LATNM_SFLAG            TRPHY                 
## [31] APHIA_ID               IMAGE_VERIFICATION     VERIFIED_BY           
## [34] COUNT                  ABUND                  BIOVOL                
## [37] C_CONC                 QFLAG                  COEFF                 
## [40] CLASS_NAME             CLASS_F1               UNCLASSIFIED_COUNTS   
## [46] ASSOCIATED_MEDIA       CLASSPROG              ALABO                 
## [49] ACKR_ANA               ANADATE                METDC                 
## [52] TRAINING_SET           CLASSIFIER_USED        MANUAL_QC_DATE        
## [55] PRE_FILTER_SIZE        PH_FB                  CHL_FB                
## [58] CDOM_FB                PHYC_FB                PHER_FB               
## [61] WATERFLOW_FB           TURB_FB                PCO2_FB               
## [64] TEMP_FB                PSAL_FB                OSAT_FB               
## [67] DOXY_FB               
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
# Load example stored from `iRfcb`
shark_example <- ifcb_get_shark_example()

# Print first ten columns of the SHARK data submission example
##   MYEAR                  STATN SAMPLING_PLATFORM              PROJ ORDERER
## 1  2022 RV_FB_D20220713T175838              IFCB IFCB, DTO, JERICO    SMHI
## 2  2022 RV_FB_D20220713T175838              IFCB IFCB, DTO, JERICO    SMHI
## 3  2022 RV_FB_D20220713T175838              IFCB IFCB, DTO, JERICO    SMHI
## 4  2022 RV_FB_D20220713T175838              IFCB IFCB, DTO, JERICO    SMHI
## 5  2022 RV_FB_D20220713T175838            SveaFB IFCB, DTO, JERICO    SMHI
## 1  77SE        12  2,02E+13 2022-07-13 17:58:38
## 2  77SE        12  2,02E+13 2022-07-13 17:58:38
## 3  77SE        12  2,02E+13 2022-07-13 17:58:38
## 4  77SE        12  2,02E+13 2022-07-13 17:58:38
## 5  77SE        12  2,02E+13 2022-07-13 17:58:38

This concludes the tutorial for the iRfcb package. For more detailed information, refer to the package documentation. See how data pipelines can be constructed using iRfcb in the following Example Project. Happy analyzing!


## To cite package 'iRfcb' in publications use:
##   Anders Torstensson (2024). I 'R' FlowCytobot (iRfcb): Tools for
##   Analyzing and Processing Data from the IFCB. R package version
##   0.3.15.
## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
##   @Manual{,
##     title = {I 'R' FlowCytobot (iRfcb): Tools for Analyzing and Processing Data from the IFCB},
##     author = {Anders Torstensson},
##     year = {2024},
##     note = {R package version 0.3.15},
##     url = {},
##   }


  • Hayashi, K., Walton, J., Lie, A., Smith, J. and Kudela M. Using particle size distribution (PSD) to automate imaging flow cytobot (IFCB) data quality in coastal California, USA. In prep.
  • Menden-Deuer Susanne, Lessard Evelyn J., (2000), Carbon to volume relationships for dinoflagellates, diatoms, and other protist plankton, Limnology and Oceanography, 3, doi: 10.4319/lo.2000.45.3.0569.
  • Sosik, H. M. and Olson, R. J. (2007) Automated taxonomic classification of phytoplankton sampled with imaging-in-flow cytometry. Limnol. Oceanogr: Methods 5, 204–216.
  • Torstensson, A., Skjevik, A-T., Mohlin, M., Karlberg, M. and Karlson, B. (2024). SMHI IFCB Plankton Image Reference Library. SciLifeLab. Dataset.